Sunday, May 6, 2012

The meeting of two influential people

The meeting of two influential people

The TIME magazine recently published'The 100 Most Influential People in the World'. In its editorial it says, ..'. Modern influence often comes from the magical ability of technology and social media to overcome time and distance and reorder our perceptions...., indeed. Technology and social media are the the talk of this age.In India, Electronic media play a big role in everydays life.The corners of this globe are well exposed. We see the heart dissection,analysis and intentions of good and bad political leaders. We see agressive countries, corrupted leaders, and indefatigable heroes of better world. Who are really laudable for their contribution to the society or nation .
Time had published the name of Hillary Clinton as a diplomat in the long list of '100 influential people'. It wrote about Hilary,'Tough. Indefatigable. Patient. Smart. Knowledgeable. Superior political instincts. Funny. Loyal team player. Finds opportunities in crises and challenges. Skilled global advocate for American interests and American values. .....Secretary Clinton, 64, has made a singular contribution to strengthening this country's relationships with allies, partners and friends; rallying other countries to join us in dealing with challenges to the global order, from Libya and Iran to the South China Sea; and reaching out to people in scores of countries to demonstrate that America cares about them...Secretary Clinton has been thoughtful and tough-minded about where and how the U.S. should engage its prestige, its resources and its men and women in the field, both civilian and military.' TIME has evaluated her perfectly. Its matter of pride for American.

Politicians or diplomats are for their own country. And some countries who are most powerful want to remain in power thwarting other smaller countries and exploiting its  economy. It also pokes its nose to other countries' internal affairs.
The visit of Hilary clinton in Kolkata is been sensationalised and the city is fortified for Hillary Clinton's visit. Unprecedented security arrangements have been made in Kolkata following the two-day visit of US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. I dont know such grandeur or excellent arrangement is shown for every country's premiers, diplomats when they go in USA!

Why Hilary wants to meet Mamata Banerjee! Her extra visit in Kolkata! Is it because 'TIME' has included Mamata Banerjee in its special issue ' 100 influential People' or any other shrewd vision of USA.
'Time'magazine has mentioned Mamata Banerjee, '.....a mercurial oddball and a shrieking street fighter. But ultimately she proved to be the consummate politician. chief minister of her home state, she has emerged as a populist woman of action — strident and divisive but poised to play an even greater role in the world's largest democracy.'
 A mercurial oddball and a shrieking street fighter who also strident and divisive attitudes has her political exposition for last 11 months.  Is it that Hilary wants to witness. Or Hilary’s influence in two political Bengals ( west Bengal and Bangladesh) will create ripples of trade (FDI) and harmony?  I dont know time will say!

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